Thursday, January 22, 2015

ESL Game Idea: Interview Activity ("Do you have a pet?")

Post No. 25:
A very useful worksheet for an interview activity related to "Do you have a pet?"

Downloadable Link:
"Do you have a pet?" worksheet

★ I appreciate it if you could post some comments and/or suggestions about this material. It will help me a lot in making helpful materials for teaching English. Cheers!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

ESL Game Idea: Suguroku Game Board

Post No. 24:
This is all about playing Suguroku Game using the expression: "Let's go to ~! Good idea! / No, thank you." 

Downloadable Link:
Suguroku Game Board

★ I appreciate it if you could post some comments and/or suggestions about this material. It will help me a lot in making helpful materials for teaching English. Cheers!

ESL Lesson Intro: "Let's go to school!"

Post No. 23:
This contains materials regarding different places using the expression: "Let's go to ~! Good idea! / No, thank you." 

[ Dialog ]

Downloadable Link:
Lesson Intro

★ I appreciate it if you could post some comments and/or suggestions about this material. It will help me a lot in making helpful materials for teaching English. Cheers!