Monday, November 17, 2014

ESL Game Idea: Alphabet Mystery Game

Post No. 7:
This is a pair activity related to the English alphabet (A~Z). With this activity, the students get to practice their speaking, writing, reading, and listening skills.

★ Game Instructions ★
① Every game, the students choose five (5) letters of the alphabet and write them down on the right side of the worksheet "Your (5) chosen letters (じぶん)".

② Once their done, they find a pair to do the activity. To start up, they do Janken. The one who lost the Janken (S1) gets to ask the question *"What do you want?"  and the other student (S2) answers the question by saying "(*A), please." 

* Target questions / expressions can be changed depending on your lesson.
Refers to each letter of the alphabet 

③ If the letter requested by S2 is one of the letters chosen by S1, S1 will answer *"OK!".

S2 will do the following: (a) encircle (O) that letter in the alphabet box and (b) write that letter on of the boxes "Your friend's (5) chosen letters (ともだち)".

⑤ Else if the letter requested is not one of the chosen letters, S2 will cross it out (X).

⑥ Then S1 gets to ask for a letter to S2. (S1 and S2 take turns in doing Q & A.)

⑦ Whoever guesses the five (5) chosen letters wins the game.

Downloadable Link:
Alphabet Mystery Game Worksheet

Should you have any comments and/or suggestions, please post them here.
I appreciate it.

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